Porfirio presents Flag flown in Korea to former Korean War Veteran Lou Viverito

Porfirio presents Flag flown in Korea to former Korean War Veteran Lou Viverito

Lou Viverito Stickney Township newsletter story on receiving a flag from Mike Porfirio


Mike Porfirio presenting a Flag flown at a military base in South Korea on behalf of Stickney Township Supervisor Lou Viverito, who served during the Korean War . Porfirio had the flag flown when he was in South Korea on Reserve orders last year. And he presented it to Viverito as a salute to his military service.
Mike Porfirio presenting a Flag flown at a military base in South Korea on behalf of Stickney Township Supervisor Lou Viverito, who served during the Korean War . Porfirio had the flag flown when he was in South Korea on Reserve orders last year. And he presented it to Viverito as a salute to his military service.